A primeira edição discográfica da Socorro a sair a 10 de Fevereiro será responsabilidade de Johnny, Janet e Joey que quando se juntam na cave escura de Forest Hills, Queens respondem pelo nome Os Overdoses.
O seu primeiro tomo “All killers , no feelers!” é uma descida à cave norte-americana dos 50s povoada por medo, comics e rock n’ roll. O crime e a morte povoam as suas letras numa toada beatnick desenfreada que não pode deixar ninguém indiferente. Caso contrário…
Na cave da Socorro decorrerá a apresentação no mesmo dia da saída do disco, num sábado ao final da tarde que se espera electrizante. A norte-americana Echodelick Records e a britânica Dirty Filthy Records entram a bordo desta viagem espalhando a sua música pela sua anglo-saxonia natal.
O seu primeiro tomo “All killers , no feelers!” é uma descida à cave norte-americana dos 50s povoada por medo, comics e rock n’ roll. O crime e a morte povoam as suas letras numa toada beatnick desenfreada que não pode deixar ninguém indiferente. Caso contrário…
Na cave da Socorro decorrerá a apresentação no mesmo dia da saída do disco, num sábado ao final da tarde que se espera electrizante. A norte-americana Echodelick Records e a britânica Dirty Filthy Records entram a bordo desta viagem espalhando a sua música pela sua anglo-saxonia natal.
Entrada – Overdoses
Entrada + Disco – 23 Overdoses
Entrada + Disco – 23 Overdoses
The first record edition of Socorro, to be released on February 10th, will be the responsibility of Johnny, Janet and Joey who, when they get together in the dark basement of Forest Hills, Queens go by the name Os Overdoses.
His first tome “All Killers, No Feelers!” is a descent into the North American basements of the 50s populated by fear, comics and rock n’ roll. Crime and death populate their lyrics in an unbridled beatnick tune that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Otherwise…
The presentation will take place Socorro basement on the same day as the album’s release, on a late Saturday afternoon that is expected to be electrifying. The North-American Echodelick Records and the British Dirty Filthy Records join this journey, spreading their music throughout their native Anglo-Saxony.
The first record edition of Socorro, to be released on February 10th, will be the responsibility of Johnny, Janet and Joey who, when they get together in the dark basement of Forest Hills, Queens go by the name Os Overdoses.
His first tome “All Killers, No Feelers!” is a descent into the North American basements of the 50s populated by fear, comics and rock n’ roll. Crime and death populate their lyrics in an unbridled beatnick tune that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Otherwise…
The presentation will take place Socorro basement on the same day as the album’s release, on a late Saturday afternoon that is expected to be electrifying. The North-American Echodelick Records and the British Dirty Filthy Records join this journey, spreading their music throughout their native Anglo-Saxony.
Rua Guedes de Azevedo, nº. 44, 4000-271 Porto, Portugal