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Feminism NOW Relationship and mono-normativity

Feminism NOW: Relationship and mono-normativity

Feminism NOW: Relationship and mono-normativity

Do you believe in a one true love? Many people do. But is this really healthy? And are there other ways of having romantic relationships?

To discuss these questions and many more, CdH is organizing an interactive discussion session about feminists theory, monogamy and the influence of society on relationships. It will be held on the 14th of February at 18:00h. The aim of this session is to learn more about the topic in an interactive and accessible form and create a safe space to share our thoughts and opinions. Feel free to join us, there is no need to subscribe in advance!

Are you interested in more of these sessions? That’s great! This is just the first session of Feministm NOW. There will be more, each time with a different topic!

Feminism NOW: Relationship and mono-normativity


14 Fev 2023


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