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benefit para xs palestinxs

benefit para xs palestinxs

Neste domingo, tens uma grande oportunidade de comer comida palestiniana, compartilhar a raiva e a dor colectiva… e abrir os cordões à bolsa para apoiar o povo palestiniano e a sua causa. Vamos celebrar a cultura palestiniana, aguardando o momento em que o país apareça nas nossas notícias e nas nossas mentes não apenas no contexto das atrocidades cometidas contra ele!

Aqui podes encontrar recursos para aprender, agir e doar para a causa palestiniana. https://palestinesupportdonate.carrd.co/

entrada: foul mudammas (fava esmagada) + labneh (iogurte/creme) + azeitonas + pão – 3 sopa: shorabet adas (sopa de lentilha) – 2,5 prato 1: rummaniyeh (estufado de lentilha, berinjela, sésamo e romã) + ruz bil shi’riyah (arroz com aletria frita) – 5,5 prato 2: rummaniyeh + ruz bil shi’riyah + umboota (couve-flor frita) + ba’dounsiyeh (molho de tahini e salsa) + tabule (salada de ervas e bulgur) + humus – 9 sobremesa: bolo de laranja com sirope e amêndoas – 3

______________ This Sunday, you have a great opportunity to eat Palestinian food, share the collective anger and grief… and empty your pockets to support Palestinian people and their cause. Let’s celebrate Palestinian culture, waiting for the moment when the country will appear in our news and minds not only in context of the atrocities committed against it!

Here, you can find resources for learning, acting and donating for the Palestinian cause. https://palestinesupportdonate.carrd.co/

starter: foul mudammas (smashed fava beans) + labneh (yogurt/ cream) + olives + bread – 3 soup: shorabet adas (lentil soup) – 2,5 dish 1: rummaniyeh (lentil, eggplant, tahini and pomegranate stew) + ruz bil shi’riyah (rice with fried vermicelli) – 5,5 dish 2: rummaniyeh + ruz bil shi’riyah + umboota (fried cauliflower) + ba’dounsiyeh (parsley with tahini sauce) + tabbouleh (herbs and bulgur salad) + hummus – 9 dessert: orange cake with syrup and almonds – 3

benefit para xs palestinxs


04 Fev 2024




Casa da Horta
R. de São Francisco 12, 4050-253 Porto
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